By Imran N. Hosein
Chapter 1
have now come to you from your Lord. If any is capable of seeing (and
recognizing them) it will be for (the good of) his own soul. And if any is
blind (to them) it will be to his own harm. And I am not here to watch over
(Qur’an, al-An’am 6:104)
The Qur’an Explains All
Things –
Including the Destiny of
The Qur’an has declared that its primary function is
to explain all things:
“ …. And We have sent down to thee (O
Muhammad) the Book (i.e., the Qur’an) which explains all things...”
(Qur’an, al-Nahl, 16:89)
Since the Qur’an has made the above declaration the
implication is that it must be capable of explaining that strangest, most mysterious
and most inexplicable of all events ever to have occurred in the entire history
of mankind, an event that is still unfolding but has already witnessed the
Ø The final success of an essentially godless (secular) Europe
in ‘liberating’ the Holy Land in 1917-18, this being achieved after a sustained
Euro-Christian effort which had commenced almost 1000 years earlier with the
[Why would a secularized and essentially godless Europe
choose to persist in pursuing Christian Europe’s 1000 year-old obsession of
liberating the Holy Land? And why would
European Christians, having embraced Christianity more than 1000 years ago, be
the only Christians who would ever be obsessed with desire to
liberate the Holy Land?]
Ø The Euro-Jewish success in restoring the ancient State of
Israel after it was destroyed by Allah Most High more than 2000 years ago -
this success was made possible through the active assistance extended by the
same secular Europe.
[Why would a secular Europe be so obsessed with
assisting Euro-Jews in the restoration of a religious State founded more than
2000 years earlier by Prophets David and Solomon? And why would Euro-Jews be
the only Jews obsessed with desire to restore the State of
Ø The return of the Israelite Jews (i.e., the non-European
Jews) to the Holy Land after they had been expelled from that Holy Land by
Allah Most High and had lived for 2000 years in a strangely scattered Diaspora;
the European Jews brought the Israelite Jews back to the Holy Land but did not
themselves ‘return’ to the Holy Land since they were never there at anytime
before - they simply settled in the Holy Land.
[Why would a European people convert to Judaism and then be obsessed
with the mission of liberating the Holy Land and bringing the Israelite Jews
back to that Holy Land ‘by hook or by crook’?]
All of these things, which appear so strange and baffling to
the world, appear to most Jews to validate the Jewish claim to Truth. This is
so since they appear to fulfill the divine promise made to the Jews that Alla h
Most High would send to them a Prophet, who would be known as the Messiah
(Arabic: al-Masih), and who would deliver to them all of the above and
even more.
This book argues that the Qur’an not only explains
these strange events but it also goes on to reveal the final destiny of
Jerusalem. The Qur’an reveals a destiny that exposes the falsehood of
that Jewish claim to Truth (above) and confirms the Truth that came with
Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam). That destiny will
witness such Jews being punished by Allah Most High with the greatest divine
punishment ever inflicted in history.
At the very heart of the Qur’anic view of the destiny of
Jerusalem, and of the Holy Land, is the declaration that when the final
count-down in the Last Age arrives Jews would be gathered from the
Diaspora in which they were broken up and dispersed, and to which they had been
consigned, and would be brought back to the Holy Land as a ‘mingled crowd’ (Qur’an,
Banu Israil, 17:104). That Divine promise has already been fulfilled. Jews
have already returned to the Holy Land and reclaimed it! Their success has led
such Jews to believe in the religious legitimacy of the State of Israel that
they created. Islam explains that this Israel possesses no religious
legitimacy. Rather, those Jews were deceived in the greatest act of deception
history has ever witnessed, and the stage is now set for them to receive the
greatest Divine punishment ever inflicted upon any people. But before Banu
Israil’s final divine punishment takes place, there is great drama
which is yet to unfold in the Holy Land and, indeed, in the world. This book describes
some of that still-unfolding drama.
Indeed the basic purpose of this book is to explain that Islam
has a different view of the historical process as it pertains to the Holy Land.
It is one in which time is fast running out for Israel. The Sea of Galilee will
soon run dry! Jesus will return! And his return will witness the destruction of
the State of Israel.
Jews had the same Truth that Muslims have, but they
corrupted it. They had a sufficiently long period of time in Madina (after the Hijrah)
in which to accept the uncorrupted Truth that came in the Qur’an, and to
accept Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam), the Last Prophet of the
God of Abraham, but they obstinately refused to do so. Time then ran out for
them when Allah Most High changed the Qiblah (see Qur’an, al-Baqarah, 2:141-145).
It then became too late for them to avert the collective fate that now stares
them in their faces. More than any other event that still remains
to unfold in history, the destiny of Jerusalem and the fate that awaits the
State of Israel, will validate Islam’s claim to uncorrupted
to be continued....