by Salman Pasha
“Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
George Bernard Shaw
There are so many people who speak about butterfly stroke but have never gone for swimming.
Then there are those who speak about masturbation, but would never have masturbated as much as people who have finally come to a point when they ask themselves “Is it good or Bad?”
If you are masturbating and want to know if masturbation is good or bad, the best way is to quit doing it for a month and see what changes occur in your life.
Completely stop masturbating, and see how your life changes for better. If nothing changes, then, your frequency of masturbation is not much that it can have a physical or emotional effect. But it is like smoking, one Cigarette cannot kill you, but a habit of smoking will slowly and definitely kill you. Masturbating one time may not be harmful, but do it every day and you will see what effect it will have.
Consider this...
Fish don’t know they’re in the water.
If you tried to explain it, they’d say, “Water? What’s water?”
They’re so surrounded by it, that it’s impossible to see.
They can’t see it until they get outside of it.
Masturbators don’t know that it is harmful
If you tried explaining them, they’d say, “Harm? What harm is in it?”
They have done it so many times, so habitually that, it’s impossible to see.
They can’t see that harm until they stop doing it.
Some people have been masturbating for so long that they think that their life is going well, masturbation doesn’t affect them a bit. But I would like to tell you that if everybody smoked from age 5, then cancer would be considered a normal disease, as everyone would be getting it. And there would be no control group to compare against. Masturbating from an early age is like tying one of your hands to your back and going through life. You will grow up thinking that this is normal. But once you quit masturbation, once you untie your hand, you will see a whole new world. You will see that your potential is doubled. If you still think that masturbation is healthy, increase your frequency of masturbation in the coming days, you will see how healthy it is. You can believe what I said and improve the quality of your life, or you can go through life thinking that life is what it has been from the beginning – boring, without meaning and purposeless.
People who quit porn and masturbation report such varied and amazing benefits that it is a bit difficult to comprehend. But, if you understand a few basic concepts, which are part of Ayurveda and Chinese medicine which are thousands of year-old systems of medicine, all the pieces will fall into place.
There is bioelectric energy called Chi in Chinese medicine and Prana in Ayurveda, which constantly circulates through every cell of your body. And, Ching also called Kama Shakti or Vital energy is the sexual energy which is produced and stored in the testicles. It is a synthesis of all other types of chi given by all the organs and glands, including the brain.
The production of this highly refined energy is very taxing on the body as it takes a large amount of life force chi to produce just a small amount of Ching. Thirty to forty percent of your daily chi energy goes into the production of sexual energy and this energy is then used in the production of sperm.
When you look at porn, Ching goes down and activates your sexual organs, it is this energy which is spent when you ejaculate. This is the reason you feel so tired and sleepy after you ejaculate.
Mantak Chia in his book “The Multiorgasmic Man” narrates a story of a man who says “Before I started practicing Sexual Kung Fu, if I had not ejaculated in a while, my sexual urge would get stronger and stronger. I would look at pornography, look for one-night stands, or go to prostitutes. After ejaculating, this urge would disappear almost instantly and I couldn’t understand why I had spent so much time and money trying to satisfy it. I would tell myself that I wouldn’t do it next time, but I knew that after a while the sexual urge would return and I would do it all over again. When I finally started practicing Sexual Kung Fu, my sexual energy was still strong, but balanced. It was the first time in my life I was happy to be a man sexually because I finally had control over my sexual energy.”
A similar thing happens to us when we quit porn. The energy builds up in our head and genitals from days and nights of sexual fantasy and sexually charged surroundings and this energy if not channeled properly will lead us to porn, prostitutes and masturbation.
We live in a world which is filled with stress, tension, and anxiety, and most of the time we live in our heads and forget our bodies. We do so much of chronic thinking that all of our life force or life energy is accumulated in our head. If it builds up in our head, we begin to spend more and more time fantasizing about porn, sex, and masturbation. The solution is to circulate this energy, to bring this energy down and we will discuss some of the techniques to do that later.
to be continued . . .
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